TTG x Carbon Credit Capital

Happy Earth Day to our True Gem Community! We felt today served as the perfect opportunity to share more information about our partnership with Carbon Credit Capital and the progress made thus far.

Carbon Credit Capital is a B-CORP, 1% for the Planet organization that has been working closely with our team over the past few months to assist in the calculation and measurement of our carbon footprint! Being a people and planet over profit company, it is one of our top priorities to offset True Gem’s carbon footprint and to eventually be able to offer carbon-neutral products.

“By partnering with Carbon Credit Capital, we will be able to create a more sustainable future by reducing emissions that put our economies and ecosystems at risk. We are both excited and honored to pioneer this much-needed change within the fine jewelry industry!” - Lynne

Since publishing our 2021 Initiatives earlier this year, our team has been hard at work measuring and assessing our carbon emissions:

Our Progress

So far, we have tracked and calculated emissions in our manufacturing process, with the goal being to expand these efforts into each department until we have successfully calculated and offset every sector of True Gem’s carbon footprint including shipping, marketing, and more. To accurately assess our carbon emissions, we have also invited the suppliers of our consumables to join us by sharing how much kWh of energy is used on a monthly or yearly basis, as well as how much of their kWh usage is dedicated to servicing our company specifically.

A Better Place for All

Carbon Credit Capital makes it easy for individuals and companies to fight climate change by supporting projects around the world that reduce, avoid, or destroy greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Each project they support has been verified by at least three independent regulatory and scientific bodies at every stage of project development and operation, from design to real-time measurement of impact.

Apart from generating the highest quality carbon offsets, their projects also provide a host of socio-economic “co-benefits” to the local communities where these projects are implemented. Possible project co-benefits range from healthier living conditions and job opportunities, to clean and renewable energy, and even financial trusts for entire communities to develop prosperously and sustainably.

Although this is not a sparkly topic, we firmly believe it is an important one, and look forward to sharing updates as our partnership and research further develop! We are deeply grateful for the support of our team and clients in helping us make the world a better place for all.